
Users between the ages of 16 and 18 can now subscribe to the Bicing service online through the User Zone on the smou website.

The Bicing service activation procedure now allows underage users to upload the necessary documents to validate that their legal guardian authorises them to use the service.

The documents required are as follows:

  • Authorisation signed by the parent or legal guardian.
  • Original or photocopy of the DNI or NIE of the minor and of the legal guardian who is registering.
  • Original or photocopy of the family book or birth certificate.
  • Terms of use of the service signed by the legal guardian.

Once the Customer Service team has reviewed the documents, the user will be notified of the steps to follow in order to complete the process via the website and start using Bicing.

This new feature therefore represents an added value for underage users, as it will allow them to complete this procedure online quickly and conveniently, without having to do it in person at the Citizen Service Points by appointment.