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Now, with all the public transport information
Check the timetables, stops and stations of Metro, TMB Bus, TRAM, Metropolitan Bus, Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya and Rodalies de Catalunya from a single app, smou.
How to view the public transport information?
1. Select the 'Public transport' icon in the bottom menu of the app. If you don't see it, you can find it by clicking on the 'More' button.
2. Click on any of the stations or stops that appear on the map and you will see the information about the next departures.
3. And if you want to know all the timetables for the day, click on 'See all departures'.
Plan your routes, to get where you want to go, the way you want to go
'How to get there', smou's new functionality with which you can search for different routes by public or private transport to get from one place to another in Barcelona and the Metropolitan Area.
How to search for a route?
1. In the search engine at the top of the map, enter the destination point and then click on How to get there.
2. You will see the different route options, with the different means of transport and the duration of each route. So you can choose the one you are most interested in.
3. If you choose to travel by private vehicle, you will also see the car park closer to your destination.
We continue to add to the range of services offered by smou
With smou, you have more and more options to plan your journeys and improve the way you move around Barcelona and the Metropolitan Area, promoting a more sustainable, safe, digital, integrated and planned mobility.